Rotary Doll Lovers Fellowship - BRINGING  WORLD CLOSER
Welcome to DLF
Rotary Doll Lovers Fellowship
Newsletter February 2010

Current Membership 646 from 103 Countries

The Rotary Doll Lovers Fellowship consists of Rotarians, their spouses and family members who share a common interest in dolls as a symbol of international culture and friendship.  Members were initially bought together supporting the Rotary Dolls Museum project in Rajkot, India (  Those supporters with a greater love for dolls decided to pledge to correspond and cooperate with the common aims and objectives of the group as a whole.  Mostly these consist of collecting, enjoying and sharing what these symbols actually represent, thus fostering the love of people and places within our world. 

Total 14 new clubs joined this group in 2009.

The group has its own dedicated website: 

Rotary Doll Lovers Fellowship Pin Badge

In June 2009 we launched our official Rotary Doll Lovers Fellowship Pin Badge at the RI Convention in Birmingham, UK.

All of our members by now should have received one of these pin badges:

 It has gold lettering and surround filled with a white background.

Rtn Deepak Agrawal, Rtn John Wood and a few others enjoyed meeting up at the 2009 RI 100th Annual Convention 21 - 24 June 2009 in Birmingham, England, UK.


Rtn John presenting a RDLF Pin badge to Rtn DGE Calvin from RI District 6000 USA.   Rtn Deepak with a Doll Lover!

Rtn Deepak Agrawal -Chairman 20 February 2010

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